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GOHMath & GOH Academy specializes in hands-on teacher workshops and one-to-one tutoring dedicated to helping teachers, students, and education professionals pass teacher certification exams in Mathematics, Sciences, English, History, ELL and Reading Development.  We specialize in 1-TO-1 Tutoring & Teacher Test Preparation on the MTEL, FTCE, CBEST, CSET, RICA, NYSTCE, PRAXIS and following national and state teacher certification exams:


Chris Abraham, M.Ed. is the founder of GOHmath and the GOH Acadmy Teacher Workshop Series.  He received his B.A. from Oberlin College in Language Arts and M.Ed. in Special Education in Moderate Disabilities from Lesley University.  Chris holds teaching licenses in Middle School Mathematics, Middle School Science, and Special Education in grades K-6 & 5-12 and has over 12 years teaching and tutoring experience working with teachers, graduate and college students, and high school, middle school and elementary school students in public and private schools.  Chris Abraham specializes and helping teachers, students, and professionals understand and succeed in mathematics and multi-subject exams in grades K-12 in Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Texis, and California.


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