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Teacher Testimonials

FALL 2014

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
Margaret PASSED MULTI JAN 9th, 2015



Hi Chris,


Chris, I passed!!!!!, thank you sooooooo much for all your help and support.


Margaret ~ Warriors 240

Tova PASSED MULTI JAN 9th, 2015



Hi Chris,

I PASSED multi-subject 03!!!!!

Thank you!


Tova. ~ Team Enlighteners

Bianca V. PASSED MULTI JAN 9th, 2015



Hi Chris,


I passed the general curriculum!!!! Thank you for your help!!


Bianca ~ Colossal Conquers

Aimee PASSED MULTI JAN 9th, 2015



Hi Chris,

I passed the Multi Subject Exam. Thank you so very much !!! I couldn't have done it without your fabulous workshop !

Aimee F. ~ Warriors

Linda PASSED READING JAN 9th, 2015



Hi Chris,


I passed!!!! Thank you so much!!!I am in shock and still can't believe it!!! I kept rechecking my score report over and over! I went up in all my sub-categories.



Linda. ~ Reading Buddies

Gretchen PASSED ALL JAN 9th, 2015

FALL MATH , READING, MULTI-SUBJECT  & Lit. & Comm. Workshops & 1-TO-1!!!


I passed the reading and communications reading test!! Thank you again!! 3 down 2 to go!!   Couldn't do it without you!!! Scored 4 in 2 areas and 3 in the other 2 areas!! Prove it to the judge as Brendan would say!!! Haha!

Gretchen ~  Team Phonetic Flyers

Anna PASSED 47 MTEL JAN 9th, 2015

OCTOBER 47, 53, & 09 MTEL MATH Workshops!!!


I’m super psyched I passed and I couldn’t not share the news with you.  You truly helped me with all of your awesome strategies that worked!  Honestly, if I can pass anyone can.  It definitely takes a lot of determination and STUDYING.  Thank you again for being so patient and kind.  Your prep classes helped a lot!  Take care and have a great weekend!


Anna - 47, 51, & 09 MTEL Workshop

Kristina PASSED READING DEC 12, 2014



Hi Chris,


I am proud and excited to say I passed the Foundations of Reading test!!!!! I am now licensed!!! Thank you so much for your time and effort to help me pass my tests. I couldn't do it without you! I am so grateful to have found your workshops !!! Enjoy the holidays!!


Kristina R. ~ Furious Foundations

Bridget PASSED READING DEC 12, 2014

NOVEMBER 2014 READING & MATH Workshops!!!

Hi Chris,


My daughter Bridget has now passed both the Math and the Foundations of Reading MTEL tests.  I would also like to thank you for your personable approach to your workshop participants as well as the service you provide for them.  I would recommend your MTEL workshops to anyone! They are a worthwhile investment! Sincerely,


Brian, Father, Elementary School Principal 

Jackie PASSED ALL DEC 12th, 2014



Hi Chris, 


I wanted to let you know I passed my multi-subject test! Thank you so much for all of your help! I am getting to student teach next semester and I could not have done it without you and your workshops!


Thanks again!


Jackie D. ~ Collosel Conquerers

Melissa PASSED MULTI DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 15th & 16th MTEL MULTI-SUBJECT Workshop!!!


This is Melissa M - I passed. 


Thanks for your help. 


You are a god sent!


Team  Warriors

Savina PASSED READING DEC 12, 2014





I just wanted to let you know that I passed my foundations of reading MTEL which was my last one I needed.


Thank you so much for all your help,


Savina ~  Team Phonetic Flyers

Caitlin. PASSED MATH DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,

   Just emailing you to let you know I passed on my first try on the math 03. Your prep course really helped me and I just want to say thank you! I am officially done with all my mtels!


Thank you


Best, Caitlin C ~ Team Equilizers

Alissa. PASSED ALL DEC 12th, 2014



Hi Chris- 

Woohoo!! I passed both foundations and general curriculum THE FIRST TIME!

Thank you so much for your guidance!  I've now passed math plus these two after attending goh math workshops.  I am soooo happy! Yippee now just have to pass writing test.


Thx!, Alissa ~ Warriors 240

Elizabeth PASSED ALL DEC 12th, 2014



Hello Chris,


My MTEL went well, I passed the FoR exam which was my last MTEL to take. Thank you so much for your help.


Elizabeth H. (Passed Math, Reading, & Math!!!) - Team Tribe Called Quest

Felicia  PASSED MULTI DEC 12th, 2014



Passed the multi subject! Once again I am shocked, proud and thankful to you! 




Felicia D. ~ Team Warriors

Lynne PASSED MULTI DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 15th & 16th MTEL MULTI-SUBJEST Workshop!!!


Hi Chris!


I knew I passed! Thank you for your multi subject workshop class! I could not have done it without you! I'm on a up on my list is passing the Math MTEL December 22nd! 




Lynne R.~ Collosel Conquerers

Tara E. PASSED MULTI DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 15th & 16th MTEL MULTI-SUBJECT Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I wanted to let you know that I passed the general curriculum test! I'm so grateful to have taken your course! Now time to prepare for tomorrow's math test!


Tara E. ~ Collosel Conquerers

Nadia S. PASSED MTEL DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I just wanted to let you know that I got my score back today and found out I PASSED!!!!!! Thank you for you for that little extra kick I needed!



Nadia ~ Team Smarty P.

Emily D. PASSED MULTI DEC 12th, 2014




I passed the multi subject MTEL! And got a 4 on the essay!! You ROCK! Will be spreading the word about you to all my friends & coworkers!


Thanks again,


Emily D ~ 3Musketeers

Kristina PASSED MATH DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Guess what Chris!!!!!!


I passed!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!!!


Kristina D. ~ The Passers

Cho Y. PASSED ALL DEC 1st, 2014



Thanks, Chris - I passed!


-Cho ~ Team 3Musketeers

Katie P. PASSED MULTI DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 15th & 16th MTEL MULTI-SUBJECT Workshop!!!




I am so happy I passed!!!!! I can't thank you enough! What you are doing is so amazing and so helpful. I am so thankful I found out about your classes. See you soon for math :). 


Katie P. ~ Team Conquers of the State

Amanda PASSED ALL DEC 12th, 2014



Hi Chris!


Great news I passed the Multi Subject!! And now I can do my student teaching :) 

Thanks so much for all your help and guidance.

Happy Holidays!

My best,


Amanda B. ~ Warriors 240

Caitlin  PASSED MULTI DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 15th & 16th MTEL MULTI-SUBJECT Workshop!!!


Hi Chris, 


  I'm so excited to share the good news that I passed my Multi-Subject MTEL! I will definitely recommend your workshop to anyone I know who is in the process of passing their MTELs and can't thank you enough for providing me with the tools necessary to pass a test in subjects that I have always struggled with. Thank you again, I am SO glad I took your workshops! 


Caitlin P. ~ Enlighteners

Jennifer PASSED MULTI DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 15th & 16th MTEL MULTI-SUBJEST Workshop!!!


Hi Chris! I received my MTEL score report and I passed! I am so happy and excited! Your course helped me tremendously and I can not thank you enough for the help you gave me!


Thanks again so much!


Jennifer M. ~ Enlighteners

Colleen. PASSED MATH DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris :


So happy to pass on that I passed my mtel math test.


Thank you for everything :)


Happy Holidays!!!


Colleen K.

Loredana PASSED MULTI DEC 12, 2014

NOV 15th & 16th MTEL MULTI-SUBJECT Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I wanted to let you know that I passed the test.

Thank you so much!


Loredana Pontes - Conquer the state :)

Holly PASSED ALL DEC 12th 2014



Hi Chris! 


I passed my Foundations of Reading exam on the first try !!!! Thank you for all of your help! 


Holly ~ Team Phonetic Flyers

Will P. PASSED MULTI DEC 12th, 2014



I passed!! Thanks for all your help!!



Will P.  ~ Team Warrors 240



Andrea PASSED MATH DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hey Chris.


    I passed! Thank you so much for your help I could not have done it without you!


Andrea  ~ Team Infinity

Kara B. PASSED ALL DEC 1st, 2014



Hi Chris, 


I passed! Thank you for all your help along the way. I can finally finish my elementary education undergrad now! 


Thanks again!


Kara B. ~ Team Reading Buddies

Jenn F. PASSED MATH DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I passed!!! Thank you so much. I couldn't have done it without you!


Happy Holidays


Jenn F. ~ Team Smarty P.

Brynn C. PASSED ALL DEC 12th, 2014



Hi Chris! I passed!!!!!! Thank you SO much for your help and support along the way! I will be absolutely positive to recommend you to future teachers!!


Thank you again!!


Brynn  ~ Team Warriors 

Winnie  PASSED MULTI DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 15th & 16th MTEL MULTI-SUBJECT Workshop!!!


Hi Chris.  


PASSED General Curriculum Multi-Subject Test!!!!



Winnie K. ~ Team Conquerors

Diana  PASSED ALL DEC 12th, 2014





I passed my general curriculum subtest! 


I truly appreciate all your support and help! 




Diana ~ Team Conquers of the State

Aimee W. PASSED ALL DEC 12th, 2014



I passed! Thanks


Aimee W. ~ Team > 240

Jonathan PASSED ALL DEC 12, 2014



Hey Chris

I passed!

Thank you for your support!

Jonathan L. ~ Reading Raptors

Brittany  PASSED MATH DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


I passed!!!! You are seriously the best!!! Thank you so much. You have no idea how appreciative I am! I will spread the word! I would also like to know if you do the reading specialist exam as I have to take that one as well. 


THanks Brittany  ~ Team Infinity

Halil  PASSED Math DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris, 


I wanted to let you know that I officially passed my Math (03) MTEL! I really appreciate everything that you have done, and your course was spot on. I’ll definitely recommend your workshop to anyone that has trouble passing any MTELs.  

Again, I thank you so much! Now, I can officially student teach. :) 


Halil  ~ Team Infinity


Siobhan PASSED MATH DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


I passed! Wahoo! 


Even though I got the open response that I did not want I got a 3! I'm so excited, thank you so much for all your help greatly appreciated!


Siobhan ~ Team Must Pass

Alyson PASSED MATH DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris


I passed!! Thank you so much for everything you did. Words cannot express how happy I  that I passed. 


Alyson M. ~ Team Smarty P.

Tara K. PASSED MTEL DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris!


I passed! 😄😄😄😄😄


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Tara K. ~ The Passers


NOV 9th MTEL READING  Workshop!!!


I PASSED!!! that I forgot to email you!


Thank you for everything!!!! 


Megan N. ~ Team Reading Bears

Victoria PASSED READING DEC 12, 2014

NOV 9th MTEL READING Workshop!!!


 Just letting you know I passed foundations of reading! 


Victoria R. ~ Team Reading Bears

Ariana D. PASSED ALL DEC 12th, 2014



Hi Chris,


Thanks for your help, I was able to pass the test! Both your math and general curriculum workshops were amazing and allowed me to pass :) I will spread the word to all my fellow co workers! Thanks again!


Ariana D. ~ Team Special Education Warriors

Sarah B. PASSED MULTI DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 15th & 16th MTEL MULTI-SUBJECT  Workshop!!!


I PASSED!!! I have always gotten either Limited or Weak on my open response and this time I got an Adequate thanks to you! 


This was my last MTEL that I needed to pass in order to finish with my Master's program!


Thanks again,


Sarah ~ Warriors 240

Ashley H. PASSED ALL DEC 12th, 2014



Hello Ashley,


I passed both of mine. Thank you for the help, it was a confidence builder, great time, and a wealth of necessary knowledge! Happy holidays!!


Thanks again,


Ashley ~ Special Education Warriors

Casey D. PASSED MULTI DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 15th & 16th MTEL MULTI-SUBJECT Workshop!!!


Chris, I passed the general mtel!!!!


Casey D. ~ 3Muskeeteers

Stanley. PASSED MATH DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


Thank you soooo much, I PASSED and am so grateful

I look forward to registering again for Multi Subject next year.

Thank you.


​Stanley ~  Team > 240

Caroline PASSED MATH DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris, I just read my math Mtel score report. Am glad I passed. Thanks a lot for your help-without it, I don't think I would have passed.


Thanks again.


Caroline ~ Team > 240

Caitlin. PASSED MATH DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


   Just emailing you to let you know I passed on my first try on the math 03. Your prep course really helped me and I just want to say thank you! I am officially done with all my mtels!

Thank you


Best, Caitlin ~ Equilizers 

Jillian M. PASSED MATH DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I FINALLY passed! Thank you for all your help. I was only able to attend the sunday session and that session alone gave me the push I needed to pass. I have already recommended the workshop to co-workers in Brockton.


Thanks again!!  Jillian M.

Maureen PASSED ALL DEC 12th, 2014



Once again Chris, thank you so much for your guidance and direction, I finally passed F.O.R I couldn't have done it without you.



Maureen N. ~ Reading Raptors


Nicole L. PASSED ALL DEC 12th, 2014



Hello Chris,


Thank you for everything! I could not be happier! I passed all of my required Mtels!! Thank you so much for all your help! Your workshops really are beneficial!!


Thanks again,


Nicole ~ Enlighteners

Alanna PASSED READING DEC 12, 2014

NOV 15th & 16th MTEL READING Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I actually got my results the other night and I passed! Thank you for your help. 


Alanna D. 


Jen A. PASSED MATH DEC 12th 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


I passed!!  Thank you so much, your seminar was well worth it and I will be spreading the work to my friends and colleagues.


-Jen  ~ Team Pie-rates

Cynthia B. PASSED ALL DEC 1st, 2014



Hi Chris,


Thank you once again! I passed my first time on the Multi Subject! 


Cynthia B. ~ Team Warriors

Liz G. PASSED MULTI DEC 12th, 2014

NOV 15th & 16th MTEL Multi-Subject Workshop!!!


I passed! Thanks so much for all of your help :-)


Liz. G. ~ Team Special Education Warriors

Lindsay J. PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


I PASSED!!!! Im so happy I cried! I couldn't have done it without your help, thank you so much!




Lindsay - Pie of the Tiger

Christina PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris!!


I passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for all your help and support! I couldn't have done it without you! 


Christina T.  - Team Infinity 

Erin. PASSED CBEST NOV 17th, 2014

OCT 25th &26th CBEST & CSET MATH Workshop!!!




I PASSED!!! You Rock!!!  Thank you so much :)


Erin H.

Vanessa H PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Chris I passed!!!!!!!!!!! I got a 4 on the essay too!!!  I couldn't have done this without your help and amazing workshop. Thank you so much


Vanessa - Team Must Pass


Stephanie PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris I passed the math Mtel!!!!! Thanks so much couldn't have done it without all of your help!!!!


Stephanie - Team Gala Girls

Amanda PASSED CBEST NOV 17th, 2014

OCT 25th &26th CBEST & CSET MATH Workshop!!!



I passed my math exam!!! I can't thank you enough for your teaching style and courses. Now if only you can provide courses on multiple subject exams!!

Thank you so much!!  Amanda

Meghan  PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris. I passed!!!!!!


Meghan.  - Pie of the Tiger

Jamie PASSED CSET NOV 17th, 2014

OCT 25th &26th CBEST & CSET MATH Workshop!!!


Chris Abraham's GOHMath workshop was recommended to me by a friend. My whole career was on hold because of the test, and now, having passed, many doors have opened! I would highly recommend this workshop to anybody taking the test!! Chris is the BEST!


Jamie  L.

Katharine PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


I PASSED!!!  Thank you so much.


 Katharine T - Team Gala Girls

Brittney A. PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


I passed! 




 Brittney A. - Pie-rates

Adam T. PASSED CBEST NOV 17th, 2014

OCT 25th &26th CBEST & CSET MATH Workshop!!!



Thank you for all the help, I finally passed the test!!!!!!


Adam T.

Crystal C.PASSED MTEL DEC 1st , 2014

SEPT 2oth & 21st MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hello Chris, happy thanksgiving. I just wanted to let you know I pass. My name Crystal thanks for all your help.

Gina H. PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Thank you very much for all your help!!! I passed the math MTEL! I couldn't of done it with out you!!! 


Gina.  - Team M&M

Glenn R. PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

SEPT 20th & 21st MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hello Chris,


I passed my Math MTEL.



Marisa B. PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Just wanted to say thank you for everything I passed my Math MTEL!!!




- Marisa - Team Infintiy 

Amy M. PASSED CSET NOV 17th, 2014

OCT 25th &26th CBEST & CSET MATH Workshop!!!



Thank you so much for instilling in me the strategies  and confidence I needed to be successful in passing my LAST CSET!!!


Allison F. PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris!  And happy to share that I passed my math and towel and so appreciate all of your help! Thank you so much and please let me know if you need any further information.


Allison F.- Pie of the tiger

Jackie S. PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!




I passed!! Thank you for all of your help!!!!


Jackie S.- Pie-rates

Emily PASSED CBEST NOV 17th, 2014

OCT 25th &26th CBEST & CSET MATH Workshop!!!


I PASSED!!!!!!!! AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Kim N. PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


I passed the 03.   



Kim - Team 240 Must Pass

Jessica PASSED CSET NOV 17th, 2014

OCT 25th &26th CBEST & CSET MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I passed the Math CSET subtest!  And I owe a lot of it to you!

Thank you,


Kelly C. PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I passed the math! You're workshop was a lifesaver. Thanks so much!


Kelly C. - Team M&M

Darcy S.PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


Very happy to share that I passed the math 03 mtel exam! I went from a score in the low 200s on my first attempt to passing after your workshop. Your help with the essay question really made a big difference! 


Thanks so much!

Darcy  S. - Team  Equilzers

Sheila PASSED CBEST NOV 17th, 2014

OCT 25th &26th CBEST & CSET MATH Workshop!!!


 I wanted to thank you for a great workshop.   I really believe it was the key in passing.   I will highly recommend this course to others.  Take care,

Sheila !!!!!!

Julie B. PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

SEPT 20th & 21st MATH 53 Workshop!!!


Hi Chris, this is Julia and I just passed another math MTEL . Elementary mathematics test 53. Thanks to Gomath, I passed the general curriculum math sub test and this one....I signed up for this one accidently and passed it anyway!!!


Julie B.

Kelli H. PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!



Thank you for all the help, I finally passed the test!!!!!!

Tammie PASSED CBEST NOV 17th, 2014

OCT 25th &26th CBEST & CSET MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I wanted to tell you that I just found out that I PASSED my math CBEST!!!!  I am so happy and grateful to you for ALL the help you gave me!  I would NOT have been able to do it without you!  I received a thorough on my open response!!!

Thank you again for all your help!!



Anne G. PASSED MTEL DEC 1st, 2014

NOV 1st & 2nd MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Passed! Could not have done it without this class!  Thanks, Chris!


Anne G. - Team Gala Girls

Bronwyn PASSED MTEL OCT 17th, 2014

OCT 11th & 12th MTE MATH 03, 47, & 09 Workshop!!!


Hey Chris,

I hope you will be inundated with good news tonight....


Let me add mine:  I passed the elementary math mtel, and have now qualified as an elementary math teacher!


Take care,


Eric E. PASSED MTEL OCT 17th, 2014

Sept 27th & 28th FTCE MATH Workshop!!!


Chris!!! Sorry to bother you so late, but.... Had to tell you... I passed!!! Thank you so much for the workshop and videos!  I am sure I made use of everything you taught me! Thank you!!! Whew! So relieved and ecstatic!


Eric E.

Lauren F PASSED MTEL OCT 17th, 2014

OCT 11th & 12th MTE MATH 03, 47, & 09 Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I passed! Thanks for the help!



Lauren F. 

Kelli H. PASSED MATH OCT 17th, 2014

Sept 20th & 21st MTEL MATH Workshop!!!



Thank you for all the help, I finally passed the test!!!!!!

Jackie PASSED MATH OCT 17th, 2014

Sept 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris, 

I just got my mtel results and I wanted to let you know that I passed!! Thank you so much for all your help with the workshops! I couldn't have done it without you!!

Thanks again!
Jackie D.

Savina PASSED MATH OCT 17th, 2014

Sept 20th & 21st MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


 Hi, I passed the math MTEL!!!


Thank you,


Marie R. PASSED MATH OCT 17th, 2014

Sept 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


I passed!!!!


Thank you so much!!!


Marie RA



Abby T. PASSED Multi OCT 17th, 2014

Aug 23rd & 24th MTEL Multi-Subject Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,

 I'm just writing to let you know I passed the MTEL general curriculum test! Thanks for all of your help.



Abby T.

Michelle PASSED MATH OCT 17th, 2014

Sept 20th & 21st FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris!! I passed!! Thank you for your help!!! So excited! 



Michelle Z.



Sept 20th & 21st FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


HI Chris,

I just wanted to let you know that I passed my Math MTEL.

Thank you so much for all your help. I feel like I could have done it without the workshops. 

Thanks again!


Lauren P.



Sept 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Thanks, Chris!!! I was really excited! Your workshop was so helpful and made me feel confident for my first attempt on the test! 



Katie J.


Aimee F. PASSED MATH OCT 17th, 2014

Sept 13th & 14th MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I passed the math !!! I could not have done it without your help. 



Taylor PASSED MATH OCT 17th, 2014

Sept 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


What times do you have available tomorrow to talk about score report? I passed!!!!! My score isn't coming up right now but my status says met the qualifying score. This is the best feeling ever! I am on my way to passing them all. Thanks for all your help!

-Taylor W.

Lauryn PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

Sept 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I was just going to email you! I passed and got a thorough on the essay-thanks to your class!! Thank you for all of your help!




Jessica PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

SEPT 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris!


Lauryn, Katie, and I passed! Thank you sooooo much!

Jessica D.

Victoria PASSED MATH OCT 17th, 2014

Sept 20th & 21st FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris, 


I'm so excited! I PASSED! I could not have done it without your help. Thank you so much for creating these workshops. I will be sure to tell any struggling friends that a weekend full of math is well worth it. 


Thank you again, 


Victoria D

Margaret PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

Sept 20th 201st FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris, I just wanted to say THANKS!!!!!

I passed the test!!!!!!

I'm very thankful for all your help


Cynthia PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

Sept 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,

I just wanted to say thank you for helping me pass the Math MTEL the first time!! I am so thrilled. See you in November for the general Circ. workshop.


Cynthia B.

Liz A. PASSED MATH Oct 17th, 2014

Sept 20TH & 21ST MTEL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I just wanted to let you know that I passed my math mtel! I am officially done taking my MTELS now. I also wanted to say thank you very much.   Your workshop was very helpful and I will be sure to pass it along to others.

Thank you for everything,
Liz A.

Maureen PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

Sept 20th & 21st FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris, 
If I could jump through this screen, I'd give you a HUGE KISS, I just got the courage to open my results I PASSED, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. You r the best.

See you in November for the F.O.R. class, the last monkey on my back.

Maureen N

Kim A. PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

Sept 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hey Chris I'm in the 240 club...I passed. 

Thanks for your help and positive worked for me




Charles PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

Sept 201th & 21st FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I just received my score report a while ago. I am certain the workshop made all the difference. I would like to sincerely thank you for the help. Please keep the good work.


Charles A.

Gretchen PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

Sept 20th & 21st FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Thought you would want to know... I passed! Thank you again!! I just wanted to say thanks!!!!!! I pass!!!!!! I'm so thankful for all of your help!!!!


Gretchen A.

Folake PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

Sept 20th & 21st FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


I DID IT!!!!!





Karen F. PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

Sept 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Good morning Chris,


I passed my mtel! Thank you so much.


Karen F.


Rachael PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

Sept 13th 7 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Thank you for your help I passed my math subtest MTEL!


-Rachael C.

Lilian S. PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

Sept 20th & 21st FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!




-Lilian S.

Jennifer PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

Aug 23rd & 24th MTEL MULTI-SUBJECT Workshop!!!


Hi Chris, 


Thanks to your workshop I passed the multi-subject MTEL!


Jennifer Z.


August 23rd & 24th MTEL Multi-Subject Workshop!!!


Hi Chris! 


I passed my MTEL General Curriculum 03 Multi-Subject exam on the first try! :) Thank you so much for your ability to provide me with the necessary skills to be successful on another MTEL.  I really appreciate your continued support and patience while I was studying for this exam.  Thank you for making your workshops so fun and for providing me with an additional boost of confidence that I clearly needed. It was exactly the push that I needed to be successful on yet another MTEL.  Thanks again! You are awesome!!!!!! :) 

Will P. PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

Sept 20th & 21st FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


I passed. Thank you so much for all your help.



Brynn D PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

Septtember 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!



Hi Chris! I PASSED!!! Thank you so much for your expertise in helping me pass this test!! 


Cho  PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

Sept 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris, 


I passed!!! Thank you so much! 


I will see you next month for the multisubject workshop. 



Danielle PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

SEPT 20th & 21st FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris! 

I just wanted to thank you again for the Math workshop you provided in Boston! I decided to take the math MTEL first because I felt it was the most challenging. The workshop truly prepared me and gave me the confidence I needed going into the exam. You said it during the workshop, "the higher your stress is, the lower you scores become" (something along those lines). Anyways I am so excited I PASSED on my first try!


Danielle S.

Nicole  PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

SEPT 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!



Chris! I FINALLY passed! Thank you so much!!!!!


Nicole P.

Kathy S. PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

SEPT 20th & 21st FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!



Hi Chris,

I passed the math mtel!! Thank you so much for all your help!


Kathy S


SEPT 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!




Lauren C.

Lane S. PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

SEPT 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!



Hey Chris!! I passed! ! Thanks for everything! !


Lane S.


SEPT 20th & 21st FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!




This is Karla ...I wanted to let you know that I did pass the math general curriculum exam!!..I'm beyond excited as it was my 6th time taking it!..I could NOT have done it without your seminar--I truly believe that & for that I am forever grateful!!!..


SEPT 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Just wanted to let you know that I passed my MTEL!!!! Thank you so much for everything. Your workshop was such a help!




Erin D

Wendy Q. PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

SEPT 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


I PASSED! ! ! ! ! ! !


Wendy Q.

Liz D. PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

SEPT 20th & 21st FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,

Just wanted to drop a note to say I FINALLY passed the test!
Thank you for working with me twice on this!  It was very worth it!


Daniela PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

SEPT 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hurray! In my first time taking the test, and thanks to you, Chris.
Since the email never came, I checked the ELAR site and checked the result: Passed.
Thank you for the help, now I will be trying the Foundations of Reading test.
Will check your site for workshops.


Lilly L. PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

SEPT 13th & 14th FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


I am extremely proud to report that I PASSED!!!!!!!!! Not only did I pass, I passed after the first time!  Thank you for putting in all your time and effort into the two-day workshop, pre-and post-test consultations, and responding so meaningfully (and quickly) to all my concerns, questions, and addressing my high level of stress and anxiety. You instilled in me the confidence that I could and would pass, and you were absolutely right. Thanks to you, not only am I MA certified to teach Early Childhood (pre-k to grade 2) but now I will be able to officially teach Moderate Disabilities (pre-k to grade 8) as well! 

Sarah M. PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

July 12th & 13th Midsummer MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


I just found out Friday that I passed the math MTEL on my first time taking it. I really would like to thank you for your help the workshop definitely helped me refresh the necessary skills without excess information. I used a study book at first and those problems definitely stressed me out but turns out the book had a lot less to do with the test than I thought and your workshop was definitely more helpful. Thanks again. Wish me luck on general curriculum. 

Mary H. PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

SEPT 20th & 21st FALL MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris 

It's Mary Hayes. I wanted to let you know I passed the Math MTEL!  I was so worried that I wasn't going to pass. Your phone call the day before the test helped me clam down and relax somewhat. I got a 3 on my open response and did well on the multiple choice questions. 

Thank you for your help!



Lauren J. PASSED MATH OCT 17th 2014

APRIL 5th & 6th MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris I passed !! I want to thank you for all of your help, I wouldn't have been able to pass without your workshop and helpful videos I spent so much watching!

Glendy P. PASSED MULTI OCT 4th 2014

AUG 23rd & 24th MTEL MULTI-SUBJECT Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,

Wanted to let you know that I passed my multi-subject test!!


Lindsay PASSED MULTI OCT 4th 2014

AUG 23rd & 24th MTEL MULTI-Subject Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I just got back my scores this weekend and passed! The workshop was super helpful and I'll definitely recommend it to others. 


Thanks for your help!


Lindsay R.

Lauren P. PASSED MULTI OCT 4th 2014

AUG 23rd & 24th MTEL MULTI-Subject Workshop!!!





Alanna D. PASSED MULTI OCT 4th 2014

AUG 23rd & 24th FALL MTEL MULTI-SUBJECT Workshop!!!


Hi Chris!


I wanted to let you know that I passed my Multi-subject MTEL!

Thank you so much for all of your help!




Haley M. PASSED C&L OCT 4th 2014



PASSED the Communication and Literacy Skills MTEL!


Haley M.


July 12th & 13th Midsummer MTEL MATH Workshop!!!


Hi Chris , I need to thank you sooooooooooo much for helping me pass the General Curriculum 03 Math Subtest. Your workshop helped to give me the skills that were necessary and it helped to give me the confidence that I needed to pass this exam. My only regret is not taking your workshop first. I will be passing along your information to anyone I know prepping for these exams. Thank you so much!!! Ohhhh and I got a 4 on my OR!

-Holly T




Hi Chris & Brendan,

I passed my Foundations of reading MTEL!!! :-)
I would like to let you guys know that I appreciate all the strategies and tips you have offered me. The biggest tip was "take yourself out of the question and don't over think the questions." This allowed me to stay calm during the test with extra time to review flagged questions and my open responses. Yay thanks for making this a better experience.

Best wishes,



August 23th & 24th MIDSUMMER Multi-Subject Workshop!!!


I just wanted to give you an update, I just got a call from my school and I passed!! Thank you so much for all your help! 



Thank you again,

Ashley C.




Dear Mr. Abraham,


I just received the score for the History MTEL I took several weeks ago.  I passed, thank goodness, I want to thank you for all of your support and aid that you have to me.  I am truly relieved that I now have all o my MTEL's behind me.  I just wanted to let you know and say thank you.  Thank you sir for all of your help, it would not have been possible without you.




August 23th & 24th MIDSUMMER Multi-Subject Workshop!!!



I passed the math exam. Thank you!


August 23th & 24th MIDSUMMER Multi-Subject Workshop!!!



 Hi Chris, I passed! Thank you! 


~ Jillian


August 23th & 24th MIDSUMMER Multi-Subject Workshop!!!



Hi Chris,

I just wanted to tell you I passed my multi-subject MTEL!!!! I'm so excited, I'm finally done!!! Thank you for all of your help!!! I couldn't have done it without you!!!




August 23th & 24th MIDSUMMER Multi-Subject Workshop!!!


I passed!!!!!!


August 23th & 24th MIDSUMMER Multi-Subject Workshop!!!



I passed the multi-subject! Thank you for your help! I took the math on Thursday. I nailed the open response. It was the parallel line problem. I'm not as confident about my performance on the multiple choice. A lot was familiar though. 


Susanna G.

Kara PASSED Multi SEPT 22nd

August 23th & 24th MIDSUMMER Multi-Subject Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I just want to let you know I passed my test( general curriculum multi subtest)! Last one and in so happy! Thank you for all your help! 


Thanks again! 






I passed! I just found out! Thank you, thank you!

Gretchen. PASSED Multi SEPT 22nd

August 23th & 24th MIDSUMMER Multi-Subject Workshop!!!



Just wanted you to know I passed! Thanks to you entirely! What you are doing is amazing! Thank you and see you tomorrow!!

Jason M. PASSED Math SEPT 9th

June 8th & 9th MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris


I passed.  Nailed the essay but did a little worse on the multiple choice but I passed.  I am happy and relieved.  I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I have taken the mtels more times than I can count and this was the last one I needed for my special education license.  This long journey is over and I can move on with my life and focus on the things that really matter.  I am forever in your debt.  Working with you and the workshops was what I needed to put me over the top.

Amber C. PASSED Math MTEL AUG 22nd

July 12th & 13th MIDSUMMER MTEL Math Workshop!!!



Thanks Chris

I just wanted to say thanks!!! Your formula of attack was spot on. I woke up so proud because I didn't just pass I got "Most if not all right" for the first three math areas and "many" for the last as well as a 4 on the essay!!!  I got it and I passed it!  Thanks 


Kristina PASSED Math MTEL AUG 22nd

July 12th & 13th MIDSUMMER MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris!


I am pleased to say I passed the math mtel!!!!! Thank you for all your help and guidance!


Kristina R.

Sarah L. PASSED Math MTEL AUG 22nd

July 12th & 13th MIDSUMMER MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris! 

Wanted to share the good news that I passed!!!! Thank you so much for all your help!



Sarah L.

Diane G. PASSED Math MTEL AUG 22nd

July 12th & 13th MIDSUMMER MTEL Math Workshop!!!



I just wanted to let you know that I took your advice and found a last minute opening for the math MTEL on 7/23, and I just now got my results. I cannot express how grateful I am for your excellent teaching & guidance. Couldn't have done it without you!


Thanks so much!!

Diane B.

Vicki L. PASSED Math MTEL AUG 22nd

July 12th & 13th MIDSUMMER MTEL Math Workshop!!!


I just wanted to let you know I passed my math mtel! Thank you so much for your seminar it helped a lot.  This was my 3rd time taking it and I finally passed.


Thanks again for all your help!



Lynda M. PASSED Math MTEL AUG 22nd

July 12th & 13th MIDSUMMER MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,

I am sooo excited! I passed my Math Mtel on the first try, thanks to you. And that was having never taken an online Mtel before ever! I really appreciate how you zeroed in on what we needed to know in order to pass. The workshop was intense but so informative and well-run. I will definitely recommend it to everyone I can. And I will sign up for the Multi-Subject workshop next so I can pass that one too!

Thank you again! Best,


Lynda M.

Rodja Y. PASSED Math MTEL AUG 8th

July 12th & 13th MIDSUMMER MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris, this is Rojda. I just wanted to let you know that I got my results last night and I passed!! Thank you so much for all your help! I will definitely refer anyone I know to take your workshop!

Jess S. PASSED Multi-Subj. AUG 22nd

Multi-Subject Workshop & Tutoring


Hi Chris

Just heard I have passed my multi- subject exam. Thank you for all help in passing the exams!!!!! Couldn't have done it without you!!!! 


Jess S.

Christine PASSED Multi-Subj. AUG 22th

March 15th & 16  MULTI-SUBJECT Workshop & Tutoring!!!


Hi Chris,


I passed the General Curric today!! Yippee! Thank you thank you!! xoxo


Christine C.

Moe  PASSED March 7th, 2014

Februay 1st & 2nd 2014 2-Day MTEL Math Workshop!!!




Thank you!

Jessica PASSED March 7th, 2014

Februay 1st & 2nd 2014 2-Day MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,I just wanted to let you know that I passed!!!! Thank you so much for everything that you have done :) I wouldn't have passed it without all of your help. I can't believe it. Thank you again! You are a gem!! I will definitely be recommending you to more people that I know are struggling.


Thank you again and again. Hope all is well. Jessica

Jeff K. PASSED March 7th, 2014

Februay 1st & 2nd 2014 2-Day MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hey Chris- Sorry for the delayed response but....I passed the test and now a licensed teacher!!!

Sara PASSED March 7th, 2014

Februay 1st & 2nd 2014 2-Day MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris, I passed the MTEL too. Your course made the difference in me passing the test.Thanks for all your help, Sara

Brianna G. PASSED March 7th, 2014

Februay 1st & 2nd 2014 2-Day MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,I forgot to email but I also passed the test. Thanks for all of your help!

Margaret. PASSED March 7th, 2014

Februay 1st & 2nd 2014 2-Day MTEL Math Workshop!!!


I passed also.... Congratulations to you for a great teaching session!



Christina.  PASSED FEB 8th, 2014

December 7th 1-Day MTEL Math Workshop!!!


I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap I am beyond excited :) thank you so much for all your help , I truly couldn't have done it without you. if there is anything I can do to help you please let me know. I will make sure to keep referring teachers to you.Best and true gratitude



Erika PASSED JAN 24th, 2014

December 7th 1-Day Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I passed the Math MTEL!!!!!! After trying multiple times to pass I didn't know where to turn to look for help. I had a graduate classmate refer me to your workshop and it was the best decision I ever made! I used many of your tips on the test, and also your strategy to getting to that perfect score of 240! Thank you again for all your help I wouldn't have been able to do it without you! See you in March for the multi-subject workshop!



Annette PASSED JAN 24th, 2014

December 7th 1-Day Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,

Well I received my results today and I am happy to tell you that I passed!!!!

For all the subareas I got "Most or all items."   For the Statistics and Probability I got "Some of the items;"  (I had those questions on what was the theory behind the probability and the Cats and Whiskers which I didn't have a clue).

For the open response question I got a "Thorough."


Thank you, thank you and thank you.  I couldn't have done this without your videos, your workshops and the consultations.  I did a lot of studying of my own, but it was your support and math teachings that helped me.  Thanks for recommending strongly that I take the test in December.


Marielle PASSED JAN 24th, 2014

December 7th 1-Day Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


Will mention your workshop to all my teaching friends.I never would have thought that I could pass. You definitely made it manageable.Thanks again, Marielle



Brittany PASSED JAN 10th, 2014

December 7th 1-Day Math Workshop!!!


Good Afternoon Chris,

Just wanted to let you know I passed the math MTEL! Thank you very much for all of your help, I will be recommending your workshop to my fellow colleagues!

Thank you again,



Kristina & Jessi PASSED 1/10/14

November 2nd & 3rd 2 Day Math Workshop!!!


Happy New Year Chris. Thank You Sooo much. I would never have done this without your help. In Kenya we say ASANTE SANA. Kristina.

Emily PASSED JAN 10th, 2014

December 7th 1-Day Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,I just wanted to let you know that I PASSED my math MTEL and can't thank you enough for all your dedication and preparing me for the test! The workshop was so helpful! So happy 😃 thanks again! -Emily

Clare PASSED JAN 10th, 2014

December 7th 1-Day Math Workshop!!!




Thank you so much for everything, I am so relieved!!! I cannot thank you enough!!





Abrianna PASSED JAN 10th, 2014

December 7th 1-Day Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


Just got my scores and I passed the math Mtel!!! Thanks so much for all

of your help. I can finally be stress free lol.  



Michelle PASSED JAN 10th, 2014

December 7th 1-Day Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I just wanted to thank you for all the help studying for the MTEL. I got my results back for the general curriculum math test and I passed with flying colors. I took the test five times including this test and I was starting to lose faith. Thank you again for all the help. 




Taryn PASSED JAN 10th, 2014

December 7th 1-Day Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


Just wanted to let you know, I PASSED!!! Thank you so much for your help and guidance :)

 Thank you!




Allison PASSED JAN 10th, 2014

December 7th 1-Day Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris , 


I passed the general curriculum Mtel . Thank you so much for your help ! I am very happy and relieved . See you in march ! 



Ronnie PASSED JAN 10th, 2014

December 7th 1-Day Math Workshop!!!


Hey Chris,

Happy New Year! How is mine you ask? FANTASTIC because I passed the Math MTEL!! Thank you so much for all of your help! I could not have done it without you!

Thanks again,

Lauren PASSED JAN 10th, 2014

December 7th 1-Day Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris! 


Just wanted to pass on the amazing news that I FINALLY passed the math test!!! Thank you soooo much for your awesome insight and I could not have done it without you! 


Thank you again! Wooohoooo 


Lauren Austin 

Catherine PASSED JAN 10th, 2014

December 7th 1-Day Math Workshop!!!


Dear Chris,


Thank you, thank you, thank you. I passed the test.  I am spreading the word and thank you again for your help. Catherine 

Alexa PASSED JAN 10th, 2014

December 7th 1-Day Math Workshop!!!


Hi Mr. Abraham, 


I received my score report last night for my Math MTEL Exam and I received a passing score! I am so excited! Thank you so much for all of your help and support. I look forward to working with you again at the Multi-Subject Workshop in March. 

Thank you again for all of your help. 


Sincerely, Alexa

Angelina PASSED JAN 10th, 2014

December 7th 1-Day Math Workshop!!!


I passed!!!!!


I got a thorough on the essay for a score...the highest ever!!!  I can finally put this test behind me an get my professional license:)


Sio. PASSED OCT 18th 2013

September 14th & 15th 2 Day Math Workshop!!!


Hello Chris,


I PASSED THE MATH MTEL!!!!!!!!!!! I honestly cannot even begin to thank you enough! The math mtel was such a struggle for me and an unbelievable weight has been lifted off my shoulders since finding out I passed it. I am so thrilled to put that test behind me and move forward with my career. I am so grateful to you for your help. I never would have passed without your class, your videos and your tutoring! You are an amazing teacher!

Thanks a million!


Heather. PASSED OCT 18th 2013

September 14th & 15th 2 Day Math Workshop!!!






Kammy. PASSED OCT 18th 2013

September 14th & 15th 2 Day Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,

I passed math.  Thank you so much for helping me with math, it was very useful!

Thank you!



Susan T. PASSED OCT 18th 2013

September 14th & 15th 2 Day Math Workshop!!!


I passed! I passed! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Any testimonials you need, I will gladly give. Thank you sooo much!






Elena M. PASSED OCT 18th 2013

September 14th & 15th 2 Day Math Workshop!!!


Elena:I find out my results tomorrow.... I am extremely anxious :( 


Chris: Ok, stay positive.  Don't worry about it.  Let me know how it goes.  


Elena: I passed my test!!!!! Thank you so much, I could've done it without your help



Kyle L. PASSED OCT 18th 2013

1-TO-1 53 MTEL


Hi Chris, 


I just wanted you to know that I passed the 53 test that I took a few weeks ago. The score sheet said I got most or all of each different section. Thank you for the help.




Camille PASSED OCT 18th 2013

September 14th & 15th 2 Day Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,

I'm so happy to report that I PASSED!!!!!! Thank you so much for all your help! I know that I could not have done it without your workshop! I will be sure to pass along to all of my colleagues your information for struggling math test takers! 





Angeliki PASSED OCT 18th 2013

September 14th & 15th 2 Day Math Workshop!!!


YEAH I PASSED!!! Thank for all your help!!!




Lisa C. PASSED OCT 18th 2013

September 14th & 15th 2 Day Math Workshop!!!


Thank you for all of your help. Not that I haven't done it in the past but I will recommend your name to all teachers who are having trouble.

I'm so relieved... A big positive during a not so great time.

Thanks again,



Michele S. PASSED OCT 18th 2013

September 14th & 15th 2 Day Math Workshop!!!



I wanted to let you know I passed the general curriculum math!!!!! Thank you so much for all of your help. The workshops were so helpful!



Thank you!



Brian R. PASSED OCT 4th 2013

July 14th Midsummer MTEL Math Workshop!!!



Hi Chris,

This is Brian, I took your workshop back in July. I just received my passing grade on the Math 03 and I wanted to thank you! Your workshop really made the difference on my score! I had previously taken this sub-test on two other occasions, bought the mtel study guide book, practiced with mtel sample test but to study for this third one all I needed was your seminar and the booklet we worked on, to pass impressively. Thank you so much for instilling in me the strategies  and confidence I needed to be successful in passing my LAST MTEL!!!


Susan P. PASSED OCT 4th 2013

July 14th Midsummer MTEL Math Workshop!!!



I did it!  Chris I got my magic @ :) It was you who pushed me.  I was ready to take

a break from trying and get an office jobe job.  Your passion & enthusiasm got me going again!  I am very grateful Chris.  Thanks !!


Sherri~ Elementary Teacher K-6

Hi Chris,
I passed!!!!!! I also passed your info onto the UMASS licensure office to pass along to other teacher candidates. I hope this is okay.


Jennifer~ Elementary Teacher K-6

Hi Chris,

Just wanted to let you know that I finally passed the math general curriculum Mtel! Thank you so much for your class and all the help that was given to me a long the way. I am very thankful.


Thank you, Jennifer


Amanda~ Elementary Teacher K-6



I passed my math mtel !!! I can't thank you enough for your teaching style and courses. Now if only you can provide courses on multi subject!!

Thank you so much!!  Amanda


Sheila ~ Teacher

Hi Chris,

I just received my MTEL score report and I passed.   I believe I passed with a 240 because it doesn't tell me the actual score.   I wanted to thank you for a great workshop.   I really believe it was the key in passing.   I will highly recommend this course to others.  Take care,

Ellen ~ Teacher

Hi Chris! I just wanted to share that I passed my general curriculum math mtel and I owe it to you and your rigorous prep course! Thank you for your encouragement and study materials!





Jen ~ Elementary Teacher K-6

I found Chris online, and boy am I lucky I did! I was immediately impressed with his videos and website. I reached out to him and heard back in a very quick manner. I signed up for his workshop, not sure what to expect. I figured I had nothing to lose. To be honest, I was not excited to spend eight hours of my weekend in a math workshop. Chris and the workshop were more than I ever imagined. He was funny, engaging, and gave so many useful tips and tricks. I left the workshop feeling so much more confident in my mathematical skills. I walked into my MTEL feeling confident.


The test was so much less stressful the second time around. I left the test with a huge smile on my face, unlike the tears that I had the previous time. Chris is the reason I passed this test, and I will be forever grateful. I was so impressed that I signed up for multisubject tutoring with him as well. Thank you so much Chris!!!

Colleen~ Elementary Teacher 5-6



I passed!!!  As much as I enjoyed your workshop, I was hoping to not have to take another one in the fall.  I feel like your workshops are a great preparation for those taking the test, and they provide some great sample problems and exercises in application and problem solving. N

Many thanks for your help and insight into the MTEL Math test.

Hope all goes well with your workshop tomorrow.


   Colleen S.

Emily ~ Teacher

I passed the MTEL 03! Thank you SO SO much! Your workshops and tutoring really helped build my confidence and gave me the skills/strategies to be able to attack the test. I can't put into words how thankful I am to you!




Dinelle ~ Teacher

Hi Chris,
I'm not sure if you remember me.  But I had to e-mail you to thank you for all of your help with the Math MTEL material.  My highest score prior to attending your workshop was 223.  I improved my test score by at least 17 points leading me to pass the math MTEL in May with a score of 240 or higher thus making me finally eligible for a Mass. Teacher License.  I truly believe your workshop made all the difference in the world.  Thank you again for doing what you do.


Audrey ~ Teacher

Hi Chris,
I passed my MTEL...and I did really well too! I want to thank you for all of your help. You made passing an attainable goal for me. I will certainly recommend your classes to other MA educators.Thank you again,

Hannah~ Elementary Teacher K-6

Dear Chris,

I can't believe this but I actually passed the MTEL math test that I took in June!!! Therefore I won't be at the workshop on Sunday. My sister unfortunately cannot attend either. Is there any way that I could get some money back? If not I understand.

I hope you did contact my school Stonehill College but if not I will definitely be telling my department chair about your services and helpful youtube videos! Thank you!!

Best regards,


Lisa Marie ~ Teacher

Thank you for all of your help! I passed the test! I never have to take it again!!!

Thanks again,

Lisa Marie


Debra~ Assistant Teacher K-6

Chris, I can't begin to express my appreciation to you and your skill in delivering this seminar.  I have suffered with severe math anxiety since childhood.  I have always "just" passed math barely, BUT, I NEVER really understood the concepts, or formulas for that matter.  Icould some how manage to get the answer, BUT, could never explain my work or reasoning.  I THANK YOU IMMENSELY for decreasing my math anxiety and allowing my head to open up to embrace the math and now I see me and math as partners.  

Sincerely, Debbie

Ellen ~ Teacher

Hi Chris! I just wanted to share that I passed my general curriculum math mtel and I owe it to you and your rigorous prep course! Thank you for your encouragement and study materials!





Dawn ~ Assistant Teacher K-6

I work as a Teaching Assistant in an Alternative program at Hamilton Wenham Regional High School.  After working as a teaching assistant for eight years I decided to continue my education and get my master’s in special education because that is the only way to have my own classroom. The good news is that I had a degree in elementary education already but the bad news is in order to get my masters degree one of the criteria is to take and pass three tests called MTEL’s.  Being a career changer I knew that I was going to have some challenges but taking standardized tests has always been very difficult for me even going way back to high school.  


I scoured the internet to find someone that could help.  That is when I stumbled upon Chris Abraham and GoHmath.   I signed up for the workshop which was great and so helpful. Chris taught so many test taking strategies and ways to approach each problem in addition to teaching math skills.  He never once made me feel like I didn’t know what I was doing.  He was actually able to figure out my strengths and build on them.  I also attended another workshop and I had the skills and confidence that I was actually helping the others in the workshop.  I knew I was ready to take the test. 


I would never have been able to pass without the support and encouragement from Chris Abraham.  I would highly recommend him to anyone needing to pass a MTEL exam.  He is the best!!

Laura ~ Graduate Student 

Hi Chris,

I am unbelievably excited to report that I passed my mtel! I could not have done this without you and your commitment. I literally thought this test was going to be the end of my career. If you want me to write you a more official email as a testimonial please ask.I will be your biggest cheerleader from here on out.

A million thanks,



Alex ~ Teacher 


Chris...I PASSED! Unreal, thank you, if it wasn't for you I would still be struggling with this test. You are the math mtel wizard!!!!



Andrew ~ Teacher

Great news Chris, I passed my math MTEL! I can't thank you enough for all the work you have done. The skills and knowledge I acquired through your course proved invaluable to me passing this test. Above all, the confidence I gained while working though your program showed itself to be one of the biggest accomplishments I could ask for. I got over my "math anxiety" to a certain degree and I was able to find the confidence that told me "I don't suck too bad at math." It was a wonderful experience and I owe much of this accomplishment to you. Again, thank you so much. I wish you the best in the future and I will be in contact if I ever need some professional advice or tutoring.
Thanks -Andy M

Adam T. PASSED AUG 9, 2013

Came to July 14th Midsummer MTEL Math Workshop!!!




Thanks!!  Couldnt have done it without you!!


Adam T.

Jenn L. PASSED AUG 9, 2013

Came to July 14th Midsummer MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Chris Abraham's GOHMath workshop was recommended to me by a friend. I had already taken the General Curriculum many times and had no success. I attended his workshop and at the end was very comfortable with math and the upcoming test. I was so excited when I opened the score report and saw "Met the qualifying score". My whole career was on hold because of the test, and now, having passed, many doors have opened! I would highly recommend this workshop to anybody taking the test!! Chris is the BEST!


Jennifer L.

Erin H. PASSED AUG 9, 2013

Came to June 9th MTEL Math Workshop!!!


I PASSED!!! You Rock!!!  Thank you so much :)


Erin H.

Kat M. PASSED AUG 9, 2013

Came to July 14th MIdsummer MTEL Math Workshop!!!


I passed math Chris!!!!  THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!


May PASSED AUG 9, 2013

Came to July 14th MIdsummer MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,
I dont know how to thank you. I passed. I look forward to get in touch with you. My son will write s.a.t. This year and he will benefit from your experiance.



Kelly PASSED AUG 9, 2013

Came to July 14th MIdsummer MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I wanted to let you know I passed my Math MTEL!!!! Thank you for the support! Your workshop helped me tremendously!!!




Certified MA teacher :-)

Jess PASSED AUG 9, 2013

Came to July 14th MIdsummer MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,

I passed the Math MTEL!  And I owe a lot of it to you!

Thank you,


Hayley PASSED AUG 9, 2013

Came to July 14th MIdsummer MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris on vacation at the beach celebrating!  I passed! Finally!  Yayeeee!!!


Sandra PASSED AUG 9, 2013

Came to July 14th MIdsummer MTEL Math Workshop!!!


I passed too!  Even got a 4 on my Open Response!!!!


Thanks for all your help Chris!



Jenn M. PASSED AUG 9, 2013

Came to July 14th Midsummer MTEL Math Workshop!!!

Hi Chris-
I just got the results of my test last night. I was very hesitant to open it because I am on vacation and I am pretty positive a failing score would destroy my trip. I was so excited to open it and see a passing score!!! I know that I would not have passed it if it weren't for you and I am so very thankful. Now I can start my practicum in September rather than waiting another year. Thank you so much for your workshop and follow up. I could not be happier with the results.
Jennifer M.

Joe PASSED AUG 2013 ~ MTEL 09

1-TO-1 Tutoring & Winter MTEL Math Workshop!!!




I am sure you remember me...i just wanted to let you know that I ended up passing the mtel 09 and got a position in R., MA as the 8th grade math teacher. Just wanted to thank you again for all the help.


Best Regards,



Ariel PASSED AUG 9, 2013

Came to June 9th MTEL Math Workshop!!!



Thanks so much for the amazing and helpful course. I passed! Thanks for all of your help and encouragement. 



Kate PASSED AUG 23rd 2013

1-TO-1 Tutoring & July 14th MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris!


I passed!!!!!!


Thank you a million times over!




Robyn PASSED AUG 23rd 2013

1-TO-1 Tutoring & July 14th MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,

I passed my MTEL with flying colors!  Thank you so much for all your help!  I will recommend you to anyone I know who still needs to take it.  I also still need to send you a more detailed email about my test.  But for now I am going out to celebrate!

Thanks again,



Jenn PASSED AUG 16th 2013

June 9th  MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


Just wanted to let you know that I finally passed the math general curriculum Mtel! Thank you so much for your class and all the help that was given to me a long the way. I am very thankful.


Thank you, 




Jenn M. PASSED AUG 9, 2013

Came to July 14th Midsummer MTEL Math Workshop!!!

Hi Chris-
I just got the results of my test last night. I was very hesitant to open it because I am on vacation and I am pretty positive a failing score would destroy my trip. I was so excited to open it and see a passing score!!! I know that I would not have passed it if it weren't for you and I am so very thankful. Now I can start my practicum in September rather than waiting another year. Thank you so much for your workshop and follow up. I could not be happier with the results.
Jennifer M.

Lizete PASSED AUG 23rd 2013

1-TO-1 Tutoring & July 14th MTEL Math Workshop!!!


I passed my mtel!!!! Got a 4 on my open response!!!!

Thank you for everything!!!



Jenny PASSED AUG 23rd 2013

1-TO-1 Tutoring & July 14th MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Woohoo!  Thanks Chris, I couldn't have done it without you!!!!!!


Kathy PASSED AUG 9th 2013

The June 9th MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hey Chris,
... I passed my test too!  I just found out August 10 and I am soo happy and relieved!!   I know my confidence level was completely different going in to this test (I failed two previous tests) because of the workshop that I took with you in June.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I have given all of your contact information to my principal here so that she can refer your services to other teachers taking the test!  Again thank you so much Chris!  You’re awesome!
Take care,

Chris PASSED AUG 23rd 2013

The July 14th MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hey Chris,
So great news, I found out Friday that I too past the MTEL test. I scored top marks in all areas but statistics and probability where I scored "most of the items."... I passed and I can now apply for my preliminary license.


Judy PASSED AUG 23rd 2013

June 9th MTEL Math Workshop!!!


I Passed!!!!!!!!


Thank you so much for all your help and expertise!!!



Sara  PASSED SEPT 6th 2013

The July 14th MTEL Math Workshop!!!

Hi Chris,


I passed! Thanks for checking!!



Tammie PASSED SEPT 6th 2013

1-TO-1 Tutoring & May 19th MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


I wanted to tell you that I just found out that I PASSED my math MTEL!!!!  I am so happy and grateful to you for ALL the help you gave me!  I would NOT have been able to do it without you!  I received a thorough on my open response!!!

Thank you again for all your help!!



Amy PASSED SEPT 6th 2013

July 14th Midsummer MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi, Chris-


I passed!!!!.... scored "most" in each area.  Thanks again for your help.  I really think the workshop made a big difference.

Kelly PASSED SEPT 6th 2013

July 14th Midsummer MTEL Math Workshop!!!


Hi Chris,


Just wanted to let you know I passed the General Curriculum Math MTEL!  


Thank you so much for your help and patience.  I seemed to do really well and ended up with a 3 on the essay... I'd only ever gotten a 1 before so that was pretty exciting!  Scored very high in all of the multiple choice question categories as well. 


Thanks again,


Keli ~ Special Education K-6 


I was very excited to begin my masters in special education at 38.   Having two young boys at home and going to school was the easy part.  Once I was done with all of my course work I began my MTEL journey, (journey being a nice term).  I passed my first 3 MTELs with no major issues; it was once I got to the Math MTEL that I had my trouble.  I remembered Math being my favorite subject in school so it was very frustrating that I could not pass this MTEL.  After trying two times I knew I needed some extra help.  I took a Math MTEL prep course that was not very helpful and only improved my score by a couple of points. I did some searching online and found Chris. 


I have to say that Chris was truly a Godsend for me.  Although I still had to take the MTEL a couple of more times before I passed it I truly learned so much.  The way Chris tutors is effective because he modifies for each student.  He helped me to understand the problems in my own way, which helped me to retain the information.   


The workshop in Harvard Square was a great intro before starting my tutoring sessions.  It helped myself and Chris to understand where I needed most of my help, and believe me this can surprisingly change once you take this math MTEL.  Having a family at home, I do not have time to leave the house that frequently so the Skype sessions were so convenient for me.  Having these sessions in the comfort of my own home was great.

Thank you Chris I could never have passed without you!!!



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